Monday, January 16, 2012

Saving and Using an Excel 2010 Macro-Enabled Workbook - For Dummies

Saving and Using an Excel 2010 Macro-Enabled Workbook - For Dummies

While I was working on my excel sheet and student details(records), I got a call from my boss. I was asked to create folder of each row (each row consist of student details). When I looked at excel sheet I was shocked that I have to create almost 250 folders and it was a nightmare. I decided look for help and I search it on not other than google. After searching for almost 30 minutes, I discovered this beautiful script(macro) perfectly related to my work. I tested it and works fine and did my job. I decided to share this information with my readers and other people who are looking for simple macro to work on.

Have a lovely day.

Click for Macro from Dummies

Hope it will help you in your learning.Best of Luck and keep visiting the Blog.

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